NP4 7 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

NP4 7 is a postcode sector in Torfaen, UK. Below is a complete list of NP4 7 Postcodes (Active). NP4 7 postcode sector comprises of 238 active postcodes. NP4 7 sector has a population of 6525, and it has 2715 properties in the region.

Browse Information On NP4 7 postcode sector

NP4 7 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 6525
Addresses / Property Count 2715
Active Postcodes 238
Nearby Postcode Districts 23
Nearby Postcode Sectors 9

View Map Of NP4 7 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 238 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
NP4 7AA 51.72533100 -3.06811400 3 10 326321 203497
NP4 7AB 51.72518400 -3.06583000 25 51 326479 203478
NP4 7AD 51.72516200 -3.06396900 25 44 326607 203474
NP4 7AE 51.72455100 -3.06289800 9 16 326680 203405
NP4 7AF 51.72430700 -3.06111200 25 56 326803 203376
NP4 7AG 51.72396700 -3.05991600 18 36 326885 203337
NP4 7AH 51.72539000 -3.06599400 3 7 326468 203501
NP4 7AJ 51.72524500 -3.06612100 2 7 326459 203485
NP4 7AL 51.72567500 -3.06296800 3 10 326677 203530
NP4 7AN 51.72606300 -3.06276000 4 13 326692 203573
NP4 7AP 51.73073100 -3.06654700 2 16 326438 204096
NP4 7AQ 51.72428600 -3.06282600 1 2 326685 203375
NP4 7AR 51.72578400 -3.06412100 10 29 326598 203543
NP4 7AS 51.72690200 -3.07041000 30 75 326165 203674
NP4 7AT 51.73942300 -3.06623800 N/A N/A 326473 205062
NP4 7AU 51.72574100 -3.06457700 3 4 326566 203539
NP4 7AW 51.72543500 -3.06298400 1 3 326675 203503
NP4 7AZ 51.72545500 -3.06439600 27 46 326578 203507
NP4 7BA 51.72232500 -3.05790100 N/A N/A 327022 203152
NP4 7BB 51.72435300 -3.06396500 3 6 326606 203384
NP4 7BD 51.73798700 -3.06564600 N/A N/A 326512 204902
NP4 7BE 51.72489400 -3.06176200 4 9 326759 203442
NP4 7BG 51.72477600 -3.06096300 2 4 326814 203428
NP4 7BH 51.72309300 -3.05810100 N/A N/A 327009 203238
NP4 7BJ 51.72075600 -3.05897300 2 7 326945 202979
NP4 7BL 51.72005500 -3.06002800 18 38 326871 202902
NP4 7BN 51.72155200 -3.06043900 22 52 326845 203069
NP4 7BP 51.72063800 -3.06009900 11 26 326867 202967
NP4 7BQ 51.72339300 -3.05873000 7 14 326966 203272
NP4 7BR 51.72033800 -3.05955700 5 15 326904 202933
NP4 7BS 51.72106900 -3.05925500 10 28 326926 203014
NP4 7BT 51.72142300 -3.05880000 13 29 326958 203053
NP4 7BU 51.71945000 -3.05923200 23 57 326925 202834
NP4 7BW 51.72016100 -3.06117400 8 17 326792 202915
NP4 7BX 51.71958200 -3.05956800 15 32 326902 202849
NP4 7BY 51.71826900 -3.05959500 21 39 326898 202703
NP4 7BZ 51.71851400 -3.06069300 11 22 326823 202731
NP4 7DA 51.72269700 -3.06019100 4 9 326864 203196
NP4 7DB 51.72806900 -3.07976900 N/A N/A 325521 203813
NP4 7DF 51.72856000 -3.05903900 8 18 326953 203847
NP4 7DG 51.72450900 -3.05964000 10 39 326905 203397
NP4 7DH 51.72636700 -3.06294100 8 18 326680 203607
NP4 7DJ 51.72668000 -3.06252100 6 14 326709 203641
NP4 7DL 51.72750800 -3.06208400 25 59 326741 203733
NP4 7DN 51.72876700 -3.06201200 36 77 326748 203873
NP4 7DP 51.72843500 -3.06201900 14 32 326747 203836
NP4 7DQ 51.72618000 -3.06077900 16 41 326829 203584
NP4 7DR 51.72873000 -3.06321300 22 55 326665 203870
NP4 7DS 51.72751200 -3.06259100 8 21 326706 203734
NP4 7DT 51.72684100 -3.06419700 11 29 326594 203661
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